Best Intent the Speritanian

Meeting Best Intent

Species: Speritanian
Gender: Female
Alignment: Dark, Fire & Earth energies
Experience Level: Intermediate
Favourite Song: “Lowlife” by That Poppy
Website Binding Cost: 125$USD
Early Access Price*: 100$USD

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“We all start off with the best intent. No one thinks they are a bad person. You think, ‘I would never, ever do something like that!’ But then the day comes where you have to choose: submit and die . . . or fight—even if that means you make all those beliefs you held about the kind of person you are a lie. Then you have to live with what you’ve done. But me? No, I don’t regret it. I’d do it all over again.”

When someone commits a crime in Speritan, sentences can be served in indentured servitude: the criminal is sold to the highest bidder and becomes a slave for a set amount of time. There are few limits to what the indentured servant can be used for, depending on the judge’s sentence, and for some this can amount to a death sentence. The worst crime (after treason) a Speritanian can commit is patricide—and that’s exactly what Best Intent was convicted of. She was sentenced to forty years as an indentured servant; the only reason it wasn’t life is because of how young she was at the time.   

The scarring around her throat from the slave collar (that the bailiffs used to take her to market after her sentencing) is healing, and merely the freshest of her collection. Her father left far worse across her body (and across her siblings’ bodies too). She still hates to be touched unexpectedly, and is looking for a companion who will show her dignity and kindness—but not pity. She feels no remorse for what she did and accepts the price she has to pay for her actions. She wants a companion who won’t judge her harshly for stabbing her abuser to death.

Now, as an indentured servant, she serves out her sentence in a master’s house, and will for another thirty-six years. While she has few skills to offer (no real casting talent and a rueful relationship with her pantheon’s deities), she often has cause to send her mind far away from the drudgeries of her day to day. She hopes to be a good companion and—ideally—a beloved sister in a family where she can belong and finally bloom into who she might have been if circumstances had been more sympathetic.

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