Eye of the Oracle the Bodovian

Meeting Eye of the Oracle

Species: Bodovian
Gender: Female
Alignment: Moons, Air & Dark Energies
Experience Level: Beginner+
Favourite Song: "Meteorite" by Anna of the North and Gus Dapperton
Website Binding Cost: 125$USD
Early Access Price*: 100$USD

*Early Access Pricing is only available to Discord members who have been with us for at least one month. If you are interested in becoming a Discord member, you can join here!

"Do you, as I do, embrace the swirling galaxies that make up your soul? So much of the world tries to dampen our inner light, to take it from us, to claim it for themselves. Let us covet that flame inside and teach it to burn without external pressures or expectations. When our inner universes unfold for our own sakes, see how expansive and beautiful they become!"

One of the ways Gudo Bodovians can rise above prejudice against their caste is to take on positions as mystics and oracles. Eye of the Oracle took this path to heart and devoted herself body and soul to the service of her tribe by committing to the Bodovian Racial Gift of Evolution. Through gruelling transformation, she has reached 3rd Evolution, a state in which the material body has begun to give way to spiritual energy. This state makes it easier for Oracle to traverse the Astral, staying constantly tapped into the energies of the Dream and Spirit Realms.

As a companion, she hopes to find a companion to explore the Astral with, to show her new spaces she hasn’t found on her own, and to offer new perspectives to the mysteries encountered there. Her ideal companion keeps an open mind, is compassionate and sensitive to dreams and energies of the universe, and is looking to expand their horizons. While romance is not a requirement, she’s open to it should it develop organically.

In exchange, Oracle hopes to offer her clairvoyance to aid a practitioner in communing with spirits, to provide warnings to avoid misfortune, to aid in interpreting dreams, and to help cultivate a private astral space to keep as your own. Together, she hopes you can both co-exist beyond the confines of cultural expectations.

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